Without a viable vaccine or cure, all the world is searching for preventive measures. 

At Copper Creed, our inspiration of the remedial benefits of copper started a journey in designing products for your daily living. Copper – infused facemasks are just the beginning of an array of protected surfaces. 

Copper kills microbes.  Like the ancient Greeks, who used copper powder for its healing properties on wounds and infections, Copper Creed offers innovative products for safe living using the power of natural design.  

With the latest laboratory tested technology of copper infused fabrics and antimicrobial copper coated surfaces, Copper Creed provides proven protection and beautiful designs to impact the health of individuals, families, and populations. 

With the gleam of copper designed armour, our vision is a copper culture driven to flatten all curves of infectious viruses, for good and all. 

Health is our target, natural is our design.